Bhadragol is a Nepali comedy television show that airs every Friday on NTV. Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire are the writers and a Nepali film director, Shankar Acharya, directs the show. The story is based on village life.The show stars Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, C.P. Pudasaini, Manisha Thapa and Hari Niraula.The show revolves round the daily happenings of a village in Nepal. Jigri is a young crook who, along with his friends (pictured), commits crimes and mostly spends time in Torpeni by drinking alcohol. Pandey is also the main character. He is the most cunnning man in entire village who is expert in borrowing from villages and stealing money or goods. He generally fools the villages with his confusing ideas.
In this particular Episode Pade theft a vacuum cleaner and by using it he started to theft and another part of this episode we can see Rakshya, her admission to college is cancelled because she cannot collect money and for her shake Jikri (Rakshya's Lover) Kidnapped college principal's wife and he asked principal to give hi m 15 thousand rupees as ransom. Jikri Want's give this ransom to Rakshya. He think that he kidnapped principal's wife but he was wrong. What happen then .... watch full video below and have fun.
In this particular Episode Pade theft a vacuum cleaner and by using it he started to theft and another part of this episode we can see Rakshya, her admission to college is cancelled because she cannot collect money and for her shake Jikri (Rakshya's Lover) Kidnapped college principal's wife and he asked principal to give hi m 15 thousand rupees as ransom. Jikri Want's give this ransom to Rakshya. He think that he kidnapped principal's wife but he was wrong. What happen then .... watch full video below and have fun.