This is a comedy video of Nepali Comedian Actor Kedar Ghimire. His comedy character called Magne Budo is very popular in Nepal. When he was in a show called "Meri Bassai" his character "Magne Budho" is doing great Job. He left Meri Bassai . In this video he is singing Teej Song in a funny Way .
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People find us on google often searching with keywords such as Nepali Comedy Videos, Funny videos, Videos by Magnebudo, Meri Bassai Team Videos, Tito Satya Team Videos, Jire Khursani Team videos, Silent comedy videos. The videos on are by popular artists and comedy video directors who already worked on popular Nepali serials such as Meri Bassai, Tito Satya, Jire Khursani, Bhadragol. Happy watching! Enjoy!
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