Most popular talk program called “Dhamalako Hamala” is broadcasted by Himalaya Television Nepal. Exclusively hosted by Rishi Dhamala. Nepali singer Jyoti Magar super performance stage show in Hong Kong . Jyoti Thapa Magar is also Nepali Model and Singer . Her songs shows glamor in folk songs and they are becoming more popular. She was born in remote village of Rukum. In her early school age she used to sing songs at school in western city of Dang. Jyoti is a Nepali playback singer.

For last few years Jyoti Magar has been on the top of media limelight due to her glamorous appearance on music videos, stage performances and on photo shoots. Last year her interview on TTV plus was cancelled due to her vulgar dress up as claimed by the TV.

Here is her interview in Nepali published in Peacepokhara website
url :

Host of the morning folk song program has confirmed the case although Jyoti has claimed that she went there in normal social outfit. This year her Teej song music video was quite simple and didn’t get any criticism like last year for the song Khichdeu.

 Euta Photo Lama Lama Kapada Bikdainan Aajkal Dekhau Chhoto Chhoto where she tried to expose her glamour side to attract more viewers. Last summer Jyoti had posted some very very hot and lucy photos taken on the backdrop of rice field here she is seen quite  on traditional Nepalese Gunyu Choli.Below are some of the hot and sexy photos of singer Jyoti Thapa Magar. Click Below To Proceed To Videos  Clipped Videos --> Video     Video     Video 

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