Khas Khus is a Nepali comedy web series which airs online on Aama Agni Kumari Media channel of YouTube. The lead actor of the show is played by the well known Nepali comedians and the directors of this show Kedar Ghimire and Wilson Bikram Rai. The show started on 2 November 2015, and the new episode of the show is uploaded on every Thursday.
नेपाली केटीहरुकाे सेक्सी XXX भिडियाेकाे लागी माथीकाे फाेटाेमा दुइपटक क्लिक गर्नुहाेस । धन्यवाद
It is the story of the life in village, and what the villager do in their daily life. Wilson Bikram Rai played as Takme Budo, the retired soldier who got the VC in World War while fighting with Japan, he is a very talkative man, and he always like to tell the people how he got his VC and what he did in military, he mostly tell them the fake stories which are mostly very funny. Now he is playing as Hakim Sab, the richest man in the village, who always like to say "hudaina, hudaina" which means "no, no". Even though he is rich, he is miser old man who think a lot even when he has to spend very little amount of money. Kedar Ghimire played as Mangne Budo, which is his all-time most popular role, he also play another role as well. All the other actors has their own unique and funny role as well. Story gives you the new moral message in every episode.
Kedar Ghimire as Mangne Budo
Wilson Bikram Rai as Takme Budo and Hakim Sab
Sunita Gautam as Muiya
Raju Poudel as Raju Master
Sandesh Lamichane as Batare Kancho
Suraj Chapagain as Bandre
Yaman Shrestha
Niru Khadka as Nirmali/Dambari
Dipak Acharya
Sushila Niraula
Suresh Thapa