पुरा भिडियाे हेर्नकाे लागी माथीकाे फाेटाेमा क्लिक गर्नुहाेला । धन्यवाद

This short film is about open showering in Nepal. Open Bathing Areas in Nepal Common for men and ladies. In this film we can see an a young lady showering in an open tap situated next to a street. She is extremely hazardous and anybody going from side street can see her. 

In Nepal, there is still a pattern not to having washroom inside house. It is situated at the patio of the house with dividers upto neck level and with no rooftop. However in metropolitan urban communities like Kathmandu, Pokhara this pattern is bit by bit vanishing out, yet at the same time in more seasoned territories of these urban communities and different urban areas or towns you can discover such lavatory. 

Nepali are chronic to shower at any water source like waterway, channel, lake, gorge, water stream and so on as Nepal has a huge number of such water sources all around in Nepal. In Kathmandu there are a few open washing zones. 

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